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Australia's greenhouse tomato growing RFID help comp
Australia's greenhouse tomato growing RFID help companies improve labor productivity,Australian tomato growers d'Vineripe is PerfectionFresh production company's joint business and is currently using RFID technology management staff productivity, key management contract workers at a football stadium four greenhouse tomato cultivation and harvesting of eight tasks . The RFID system consists Tracient provided by the Australian farmland Automation FieldAtWork integration, the company's management to understand their greenhouse 100 or more staff members are doing, and what the task is completed, and the time taken to complete the task. According to the company's report, this system enables more efficient operations, and in the d'Vineripe tomato planting management to provide greater visibility. d'Vineripe in southern Australia TwoWells have four 80,000-square-foot greenhouse. In these greenhouses, with the tomatoes grow and mature, there are thousands of tomato plants need to carefully care. There are 50 to 120 employees daily in the conservatory complete various tasks, including pruning, pollination, anti-stripping to prevent pests and picking. These workers are generally almost no English language skills Cambodian immigrants, they hired subcontractors d'Vineripe work. d'Vineripe's AnthonyEvans Chief Financial Officer, said, at first, the work process by the memo board management. Staff was assigned the task of signature pad. The company then try to estimate the working group to complete the task, the details were written down on paper. However, little is known about the company in a specific working group for each worker is doing, or the task is completed the time spent. FieldatWork ColinRosen founder and CEO, said: "They need a simple and convenient way to track employee productivity. "Each greenhouse has 120 rows tomatoes. Each row of tomato, has eight tasks must be completed at different time periods. When the shift, when a worker to reach the work area with ID badges, badge in the TracientRFID embedded a 13.56MHz transponder, can be worn around the neck. Badge unique ID number and FieldAtWork the ServiceAtWork software where each worker is connected. Workers are assigned daily tasks, greenhouse manager reads RFID tags, to determine if a worker to complete the task, such as to prevent peeling associated with the tags using Tracient of Padl-R high frequency handheld reader. Then he re-reads the specified row and column labels, so that task to the people, to the row and the column. The task is completed or when the shift workers tag is scanned again, indicating that the task has been completed. Reader reads the tag of time and stored data, at the end of a day's work when downloaded via a USB cable, and then transferred to the company's back-end system, SeviceatWork software will compile the data, and store workers used the time to complete the task Information. Managers can use these data and complete each task best done with time and efficiency compared to determine the productivity of each employee. This enables managers to solve some specific problems, such as the need for training or no work on the efficiency of some staff. Currently, the company uses about 2,000 labels, and hope to increase 10% -20% of the working efficiency. According to Evans, said, d'Vineripe still adapting to the new system. He said that, initially, felt the system complexity and the number of scan range. But now, a worker with three scanners to scan, and everything worked well. Improve productivity d'Vineripe not the primary focus, Evans said, "We are starting a new organization," he said, "We are still trying to understand the workflow and the time required for each task, which can be identify where significant improvements can be done. Our plan is to monitor employees to ensure that they comply with our crop management program, and then to find where this need more training and development space. "Evans said the systematic training and monitoring capabilities to improve the company's productivity.